Mulled Apple Cider Sangria

I spent a ridiculous amount of time attempting to photograph the wisps of steam coming off the top of the top of the mulled apple cider sangria. I wasn't successful, but this is a pretty drink for the end of fall.

Recipe from A Night Owl.

-1 quart apple cider
-3 tablespoons mulling spices
-1 muslin bag or cheesecloth
-1 bottle white wine
-Apple slices

Pour your apple cider into small sauce pan on low heat. Wrap mulling spices in cheesecloth or muslin bag and drop into apple cider. Heat on low for 3-4 hours. You don't want this to come to a boil, so make sure to keep an eye on it, you just want it to heat on low.

Add the room temperature white wine once the cider has finished warming. Garnish with apple slices and/or pieces of apple in the sangria.

This was a nice mix of hot cider and the mulling spices of mulled wine. It was a nice drink for a chilly evening. Also, incredibly easy to make, I put everything on the stove when I got home from work and then this was ready once Dave was home and wanting dinner. 


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