Blood Orange Tequila Fizz

Blood oranges are one of my favorite parts of winter -- they have a distinct flavor making them much different than their regular orange varieties cousins. They also add beautiful color to drinks, salads, and desserts.

I mixed this blood orange fizz on an unseasonably warm day and it was the perfect amount of tart and refreshing.

Recipe from How Sweet Eats.

-3 ounces freshly squeezed blood orange juice
-2 ounces gold tequila
-1 ounce lime simple syrup
-2 ounces ginger ale (or ginger beer)

lime simple syrup
-1/3 cup freshly squeezed lime juice
-1/3 cup sugar

lime simple syrup
Heat the lime juice and sugar in a saucepan over medium heat. Once the mixture begins to simmer and is looking like it has reduced, remove from the heat and let it cool, I made mine directly before I made my drink and ended up just throwing the simple syrup in the freezer for a massive cool down.


Fill a chilled glass with ice. Add a blood orange slice.

Combine the blood orange juice, tequila, lime juice and lime syrup in a shaker or large glass. I don't have a shaker, so I used a large Pyrex measuring cup and stirred everything until combined.  Pour the drink over the ice and then top with the ginger ale/beer and add a lime wedge. Enjoy.



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