Beet Green Saute
Any occasion to have beets, such as yesterday's Maple Roasted Butternut Squash with Beets, is an occasion to have beet greens, supremely rich in nutrients and with a flavor that holds up well for itself or in a quick saute like this, used as an appetizer or snack.
A Vegetarian & Cooking! original.
-1 c beet greens
-1 small onion
-1/2 t garlic
-1 T olive oil
-6 dill pickle chips
-1/4 t cumin
-1 t course mustard
-1/2 pita
Clean beet greens thoroughly, roughly chop and set aside.
Finely dice the onion and saute in oil with garlic. After a few minutes, when the onion is soft, chop and add the pickle chips and cumin. Saute for another 1-2 minutes, then add the beet greens, mustard, then salt, pepper, and cayenne to taste. Stirring frequently, cook until much of the moisture has evaporated.
Serve as an appetizer with sliced pita bread, drizzled lightly in olive oil.
This beet green saute tasted fresh and robust, was aromatic, and was a delicious appetizer delivering excellent nutrition.
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