Sangria Jelly
Dave and I are excited to unveil the Christmas gifts that we put together for our family and friends. We're in our last year of graduate school, so we wanted to make sure we had a gift that was thoughtful, but also affordable for us. This sangria jelly recipe is great as a spread on toast or used in a variety of dessert recipes.
Recipe inspired by Tastebook and Cooking from Scratch.
-3 c sugar
-1.5 c wine (a bottle of wine has a little more than 3 cups - we made 4 batches, 2 with a cabernet sauvignon and 2 with a zinfandel)
-1/2 c orange juice
-2 T lemon juice
-2 T triple sec
-1 3-oz package liquid pectin
Combine the wine, orange juice, lemon juice, and triple sec in a sauce pan. As it heats up, stir in the sugar gradually until it dissolves. Bring to a boil.
Have your jars prepared beforehand. Set them in boiling water for a few minutes to destroy any bacteria, and do the same for the lids. The lids should be new regardless, but it is better to be safe. I like to boil the lids in a separate pot of reserve water, so that I have extra boiling water ready in case I need it.
After it reaches a boil, take it off the heat for a moment and stir in the pectin. Return the pot to the heat source and resume the hard boil, for about 2 minutes.
The boil may rise considerably. Take the jelly liquid off the burner. There shouldn't be too much foam, if any on top, but if there is, simply ladle it off into a bowl in the sink. Pour the jelly liquid into 4 1/2-pint jars, leaving 1/4 inch space from the lid of the jar. Screw on the lids and place in the pot of boiling water, left over from sterilizing the jars.
Boil hard for 10 minutes, then remove from heat and let sit for 5. Remove carefully from the water, at this point the lids should seal if they haven't already. The result may not look solid at this point, it will take some time, maybe 24 hours, to set.
Then it's jelly.
Overall, we were very happy with how this turned out. I preferred the jelly made with the cabernet. It was lighter in color and had less of an intense wine flavor. The zinfandel had a stronger wine flavor, but went well with the recipe that we will be posting tomorrow.
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