Breakfast Trail Mix

Vegetarian Times Magazine did a feature on snack mixes in their most recent magazine (find this one September 2013 on page 46). I love that I can take something like this to work in the morning because no matter how early I wake-up, I can never make it out the door on time. This snack mix is also very filling, the wheat squares and cluster cereal helped to make this a filling breakfast.

According to Vegetarian Times, a half cup serving is 165 calories.

1 1/4 cups of cluster cereal, such a Kashi Go Lean Crunch
1 1/2 cups shredded wheat squares
3/4 cup craisins or freeze dried blueberries
1/3 cup of yogurt covered raisins
1/3 cup sliced almonds

Mix all ingredients together, divide into individual bags if desired (a serving is half a cup).


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