Oatmeal No-Bakes
I haven't eaten a lot of oats before, but I've made a few things that have turned out pretty good, like Hasselback Sweet Potatoes and Apple Cranberry Oatmeal Muffins. And the container of oats a bought was pretty big, so I've been searching for other good things to do with them. This one is from the Fresh Direction. These tasted a lot like granola bars. I ate them for a snack, and I also ate a lot for breakfast, which was perfect because they were really filling but easy to eat on the go.
-1 cup oats-1/2 cup peanut butter
-1/2 cup chocolate chips
-1/3 cup honey
-1/4 cup raisins
-1 tsp. vanilla extract
Mix peanut butter and honey. |
Warm it up in the microwave for 15 - 30 seconds. |
In another bowl, mix the oats, chocolate chips, and raisins. |
Stir in the peanut butter honey mix, and the vanilla. |
Make sure it is all well combined. I used my hands to form them into balls. It held together much better than I expected. |
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